This article shows how to manage your payment details under the Billing tab. For information on accessing the Billing tab, see our article: Accessing the subscription app
The Payment Details tab (Billing > Payment Details) allows you to view and update the payment details for any account subscriptions you own.
Click Edit if you wish to edit any of your billing contact details. Note that in cases where you're leaving the organisation, it's best to transfer ownership of your account(s), rather than updating the billing details. This ensures the new owner can manage these details in the future.
Once successfully verified, the Payment Method in use will be displayed in the Subscription Payments section of this screen.
If you need to change cards, click Edit. You'll be prompted to go through the credit card verification process again.
Note that you cannot remove the card. If you are no longer using a FlexiTime product (PayHero, Droppah or Karmly), then cancelling the account will prevent any future charges.
Alternatively, if you wish to change between credit card or direct debit payments, please contact us at
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