This article relates to the FlexiTime Partner Portal. You can click here to register your interest in becoming a partner or reach out to our team at for more information.
The Reporting section of the Partner Portal allows you to report on PayHero data for all client accounts you have access to.
Clicking on the Reporting tab will open a new window, so make sure to accept any pop-up confirmation requests from your browser.
The first page you see will be the Dash - this page allows you to pin existing reports to be displayed. If you choose to save any reports to your Dash, we recommend applying 'Dynamic' date filters, so that the report will keep itself up to date. Learn more in the 'Filters' section of this article.
There's an ‘Accounts’ dropdown in the top right corner of the page, which works as a filter so the reports displayed can be limited to specific clients' accounts, or display all clients' information at once.
The Reports tab will list all of the reports you've created and saved previously, and you can click into these to view or edit them at any time.
Reporting Access
The Reporting page is unique to each staff member on the Partner Portal, allowing for personalised customisation. Any changes you make or reports you save are unique to you and don't affect the reports other staff members in the account will see.
Each user will only be able to report on data associated with the PayHero accounts that they have permission to access. For Admins, this usually encompasses all accounts, whereas Advisors have access to specific accounts.
To ensure staff can see all appropriate information, make sure your Clients are appropriately configured with folders and users are assigned the correct permissions. You can check which accounts a staff member has access to via the Staff tab.
Creating Reports
To create a report first click on the + icon and select the type of report you're after. The types available are Chart, Numeric and Table.
Chart reports can be a bar, line or pie-style graph for visual representation.
Numeric reports produce a single numeric figure based on measures, which can be useful for keeping track of specific numbers, such as the amount payable for tax for the current period for example.
Table reports include data fields and measures for a spreadsheet table.
Creating Table Reports
Table reports are the most common and versatile custom reports you can create.
When creating a Table report, you'll need to name the report and select the type of Table you require. The table specifies which area of PayHero the data in your report will be coming from, and determines which columns you can add to your report. You can learn which details are available in each table in our PayHero Insights Glossary.
Once you've selected the table you'll be using, you can add columns to your report by clicking the + button beside each option.
Important: We recommend ensuring you include the Company Name column in all reports, so that you can always see at a glance which client the information relates to.
The available columns are divided into two types - Categories and Measures. Categories are fixed data points, like names and dates. Measures are numerical values that can be measured, like hours and costs.
When you add a column, it will appear under the appropriate heading in the Columns pane. Measures will also have the option to choose how you'd like the measure to be collated - as a Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Count of each instance. SUM is the most common, and will be the initial default.
Under the Filters tab you can click Add Filter to filter your report and limit the results to certain criteria - for example, you might want a report for a specific company, employee, pay code, or type of work over a certain date range.
You can set each filter to be based on:
Value - A single specific point of data e.g. Employee Name, Work, a single date, etc.
For values, simply select the Field you wish to filter by. Then select the Value you want included in the report from the drop down menu, and click the + icon. You can add multiple Values to a single filter, provided they're all from the same Field. Click Save Filter when you're done.
Range - Usually most applicable to dates and values, but can also be applied to get all values within an alphabetical range, for example, Employee Names ranging from A-M.
For ranges, select the Field you wish to filter by, then select the From value and the To value and click Save Filter.
Dynamic - Dynamic ranges allow you to set a date range relative to the current point in time. For example, a dynamic range could show the last X weeks, next Y months, or the current month. This means the data in the report updates automatically to suit, so is perfect for reports that you'd like to check each week to see data for the previous week, as an example.
For dynamic ranges, select the Field you wish to filter by and the Type of dynamic range you'd like. If you select Custom, you'll also need to set the parameters. The Custom options available allow you to set the Last or Next number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years. When the filter is looking as you'd expect, click Save Filter.
Apply Changes
Once you've applied all of the columns and filters you need for your report, click the yellow refresh button to reload with your settings applied.
Save & Download
You can select Save if you want to save the report, or you can download the report as a spreadsheet by selecting Download CSV under the … button.
Numeric Reports
Numeric reports are simpler version of table reports but for a single Measure. This type of report could be useful as a quick way to check a specific figure, such as having the Total PAYE payable for that period right on your Dash.
To create a Numeric report, simply select the Table that includes the measure you are after, then select it from the drop-down menu.
As mentioned above Measures have the option to choose how you'd like the measure to be collated - as a Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Count of each instance. SUM is the most common, and will be the initial default.
Similar to Table reports, you are also able to add filters to Numeric reports, in order to restrict the figure displayed based on a specific requirement.
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